Marketing Technology Insights
New Report Highlights Observability and AIOps Adoption Trends

Observability and AIOps Adoption Trends are Highlighted in a New Report

The report from Enterprise Strategy Group emphasises the shortcomings of traditional observability solutions.

In partnership with the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), Chronosphere, the top cloud native observability platform, has sponsored a new report on cloud-native observability and AIOps. The report, titled “Observability and Demystifying AIOps,” gives information about how observability, devops, and AIOps are currently being used in contemporary IT organisations.

The report details the rising costs for businesses using legacy observability solutions while highlighting the growing difficulties caused by solutions that don’t scale. The scalability and dependability of the observability tools themselves were cited as the main concern by 91% of the organisations as obstacles preventing them from utilising the full potential of the systems they had already deployed.

Furthermore, according to 69% of survey participants, data storage is becoming more expensive for most observability solutions. One in five respondents said that this explosive data growth was their top concern, and respondents generally agreed that “the amount of observability data is growing at a concerning rate.” Businesses are increasing storage expenditure (52%), reducing the number of observed applications in their environment (44%), and reducing the number of observed metrics per application (43%) in an effort to contain costs in response to this growth.

Numerous respondents also mentioned how challenging it was for them to monitor cloud-deployed applications, and only a small number of them believed that their observability solution was assisting them in achieving their availability objectives. When asked about their biggest observability challenges, 60% of respondents agreed that “Lack of visibility into our cloud applications makes achieving SLAs a challenge,” and only 20% named “Improved SLA Performance” as one of the most significant advantages of their monitoring/observability strategy.

Martin Mao, CEO of Chronosphere, stated that the study “shows that moving to architectures that leverage Kubernetes and microservices can be expensive for organisations that are unable to tame their observability costs.” Additionally, it demonstrates that legacy APM solutions lack the scalability that cloud-native organisations require and that AIOps does not yet offer the contextual awareness that modern enterprises require.

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