CN Launches New Tool to Help its Customers Calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions

CN Introduces a New Tool to Aid Users in Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Customers will be able to assess the environmental benefits of using rail for their particular shipments thanks to the new tool.

My Carbon Emissions, a new self-service sustainability tool, is now available, according to CN. In order to provide customers with visibility into their estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emissions savings when using rail transport, CN introduced the Carbon Calculator for the first time 13 years ago. With this new tool, customers can now receive a thorough report of their estimated GHG emissions based on all of their loaded shipments moved by CN and the emissions avoided by choosing rail over truck. This tool is accessible on the CN One eBusiness platform. Customers are given the ability to make data-driven decisions that support their goals for the environment thanks to these insights into the environmental advantages of shipping via CN’s transcontinental network.

Customers will be able to easily access and comprehend some of their Scope 3 emissions as more businesses seek to quantify and ultimately reduce their transportation-related GHG emissions thanks to the information that is now readily available. Additionally, it will show them where they can choose transportation options that are more environmentally friendly. It demonstrates CN’s dedication to innovating and providing options to meet the changing needs of its clients.

Rail has a significant potential to lessen the environmental impact of transportation, and we are happy to provide our customers who are at the centre of what we do with this improved tool. CN continues to be a leader in the North American rail industry by using 15% less locomotive fuel per gross tonne mile, which can reduce GHG emissions by up to 75% when long-haul freight is transported by train rather than truck.

  • Doug MacDonald, executive vice president and chief marketing officer at CN

In order to contribute to the fight against global warming, CN has set science-based goals to cut its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 43% and its Scope 3 emissions intensity for fuel and energy-related activities by 40% by 2030, starting from a base year of 2019. A net-zero carbon emission target for 2050 that is in line with a 1.5°C scenario is another commitment made by the company. CN’s leadership in sustainability is acknowledged by its inclusion in the CDP’s Climate Change A List and the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI).

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